Election day is right around the corner, and just like poetry, (if you are a registered voter), voting for who you would like to be President of the United States is a great way to have your voice heard! As a poet, you already write about what inspires you, so why not write about making a difference by voting? Whether you definitely know who you want to vote for, or you’re still figuring it out, writing a poem about your feelings towards the election is a fun way to share your opinions with the world. Here are some tips and inspiration for writing a poem about the election:
- Why should you vote? Taking the time to vote is a small way to make a big difference. Think about it: your one vote helps to decide who will run the whole country! Make sure you are registered to vote, and write a poem about why you are voting for one person over another. If you aren’t old enough to vote yet, write a poem about how that makes you feel, and who you would vote for if you could!
- Can your vote really make a difference? YES! Every vote matters in an election, which is why getting out there and casting your vote is so important. Won't it will be so cool to know that you have been a part of something special that so many other people take part in, too? Try writing a poem about how exciting it is to have your personal input in an election!
- If it were all up to you. Put yourself in the president’s shoes. How would you go about running the country? Write a poem about how you would act if you were elected as president- what would your first order of business be and what changes would you make? After looking at what you have written, look up which candidate has beliefs similar to yours, and that might help you figure out whom to vote for in this year’s election if you’re still stuck.
- Inspiring others. If you already know that you want cast a vote in the election but you know some people who aren’t so sure, write a poem about why you want to vote and share it with your friends. Reading about how empowering voting can be from someone who already knows is very inspiring, and what better way to read about this than poetry? Even a small poem like a haiku can send a powerful message and spark a change.
- What political party are you? If you belong to a political party, you definitely have your reasons why. Write a poem about why you are a part of that party, and the issues that concern you the most. Get together with a bunch of your friends and tell them to do the same- maybe you can even have your own presidential debate using your poems!
- Thinking about the future. Your vote in this election helps to make a difference and change the future of our country. What changes are you hoping for? Write a poem about what you think will be different in the country according to who wins the election.
- Remember to share your poem and have your voice heard: Get the word out about voting and taking your poetry to the polls. Exchange your election poems with friends, and make sure to post them to Power Poetry.org so everyone can read them and be inspired by what you have to say!