Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

A Fata Morgana mirage loomed hazily, yet intensely off in the distance
3 weeks 10 hours ago
Creative Spirit, Honest steps a hundred miles, Stolen beauty filed, Thieves by night, morning in exiled.
3 weeks 11 hours ago
A gap, an abyss, my spirit amiss Restraints & controls so tight So far from your light
3 weeks 12 hours ago
A not so bright man with a really bad plan... Goes on the wrong kind of trip & lets it drip.
3 weeks 12 hours ago
The silent scream... Heard by no one else but me. Of shattered dreams... No longer meant to be.
3 weeks 12 hours ago
Haunted by an inescapable sense of waste... In the throes of striving to be chaste.
3 weeks 13 hours ago
Standing on the precipice of Divine Love... Overlooking the Great Divide.
3 weeks 13 hours ago
He imparts me with His royalty & fills me with His love for me He seats me amongst nobility, renting showers from above
3 weeks 14 hours ago
In a fractured, tormented soul... It has been said there are many rooms. But some prefer, I think...
3 weeks 14 hours ago
Next to impossible to convince... Devoid the faculty to trust. To have been this way forever since...
3 weeks 14 hours ago
