Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

3 hours before … , I snoozed my alarm clock for the 15th time before I finally managed to get out of bed.
2 weeks 1 day ago
We write of the past and guess at the future
2 weeks 1 day ago
I used to love spending time with my family.
2 weeks 1 day ago
I snoozed my alarm clock for the 15th time before I finally managed to get out of bed and get ready for school.
2 weeks 1 day ago
Mariah’s Return   Mistral wishes
2 weeks 1 day ago
Programmed to fail Walking above the hallow ground You kept me under I will prevail
2 weeks 1 day ago
The concept of feelings is quite hard for many  to completley understand. Most will make an 
2 weeks 1 day ago
Marriage, a life stage bondage to those not prepared a cage to who's forced into it
2 weeks 2 days ago
beneath the yellow moon i dreamth of having a walk with you side by side holding each others hand
2 weeks 2 days ago
D-etermined R-ealizing E-xpertize A-ctualization M-aximization S-trategic
2 weeks 2 days ago
