Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Mouths slightly open like pitchers holding whatever happens to be on our tongues waiting for words
11 years 1 month ago
Three words in. And what do you think I’m going to say? Tell you all my secrets... Lie and say it’s okay?
11 years 1 month ago
Lonely. Loved. Boring. Beautiful. Scared. Strong. Worthless. Worth It.
11 years 1 month ago
Ever since I was a little girl My daddy was always on the go, But he never forgot his baby cowgirl
11 years 1 month ago
Green Beans
Maybe one day we’ll take a trip to find a space island or maybe a star island
11 years 1 month ago
Life is hard and overwhelming at times But with each day new discoveries come Even if all your living on is a dime
11 years 1 month ago
Just let me curl to your form Sleep in the same bed and Inhale, Your wonderful light as air scent.
11 years 1 month ago
In the past semester, I’ve learned and experienced, Valuable things.
11 years 1 month ago
Day after day the sun never fails. The clouds might be able to cover it, but they continue to be fluffy.
11 years 1 month ago
Nature’s Dove has Joy and Love
11 years 1 month ago
