Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

In shadows she wanders, lost and scared, Insecurities cloak her, a burden she bares.
5 months 1 day ago
5 months 3 days ago
Who is that boy over there too wonderful not to share who is the boy with a smile like the sun
5 months 3 days ago
I thought I wasn't going to show it to you, but I did, And now you know how I have felt about you since you were a kid.
5 months 1 week ago
How is it that on the darkest hour your smile shines so brightly; out shinning the stars and the planets above so gracefully;
5 months 1 week ago
I finally had a moment 2 catch up on take'n the time 2 really read, fully Your Words of encouragement. And 🤍.
5 months 1 week ago
I Am sick of your s***!!! I NEVER said that before... EVER. OOOHHH 🤑No s*** too!
5 months 1 week ago
As hard as it would be to hear it, sometimes I wish you would just have the guts to say how you feel,
5 months 2 weeks ago
Tomorrow is a new life, another day to face the world without your voice, sense and presence because sometimes I feel wasted without your
5 months 2 weeks ago
She wanted you, but she needed something else not for herself though so she did what she knew best
5 months 4 weeks ago
