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You will find a breed
A man, slave to that thing
Alwayse on the prowl
In the wild I stand
Testing these creatures
Choosing to be free
The arousal between my legs is faint
I smell his fragrant sweat in which he has begun to taint
My integrity diminshes
with the thrust of his hips
the invasivity of my mind
I used to believe that this world was fair
That equality was everywhere, didn’t know it was rare
I was naive to believe that people are good
When I was around sixteen, I became hyper aware of how the boys my age categorized the girls around them.The ones they found attractive were worthy of attention, the others... not so much.
At age 12 I started my period.
I was told “welcome to womanhood”.
At age 14 I worked at a pizza place.
A 50 year old man came in and asked if he could order me.
You’re usually not that blunt.
It’s usually sewn in with threads of:
motherhood, divine goal, dating advice, dances,
I usually just
don’t exist.
They gave me a nametag and a uniform
I count coins and wonder "who will be hungry today?"
Sausage-like fingers grip thick wads of bills and sticky cards
I tap on the screen and say "seventeen dollars"
Dear young women,
One day, you'll have your hair pulled by a boy and
You'll hear your grandpa tell you he just has a crush on you,
That he's just a boy, so what else could you expect?
Hey mister boy with the bad hair
straw blonde and frayed like old bandaids,
thin pencil lines of shaking flaking lips,
And your bleached farmer pants
and fratboy tee- shirts,
The scene always opens with a girl in rags
On the floor
Tired and overworked
Exhausted and sore.
The archetype who deserves so much more.
America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave…
At least, that’s the lie we tell ourselves,
One so fragile a single man kneeling to the ground threatens to shatter it.
We have a world to win
So stand up with pride
Without women
the world would collapse from the broken stilts on which it stands
I was told as a kidthat I was born in the best country.The strongest, the bravest,the hero of every story.
She is beauty
She is dreams
She holds misogyny
Hoping for a better life it seems
She talks to everyone
Discusses their ideas and desires
The only offspring with a say is the son
It's an echo of society
it instills this insecurity
and encourages us
to fade into obscurity
to accept medicority
lest we be criticized
to refuse idolization
a compliment little more than
I will never forget last summer. I had always read in those girly books that the summer before senior year is a magical time of romance, ice cream, and sunny soCal beaches. I wanted to make summer memorable. But not for the reasons it was.
"It's only nature," he says,
As he waters the vines
That slowly wrap around you
Blinding, constricting, smothering
Your ripped clothes tangled in the roots.
"Don't question what is natural," he says.
i’m trying to find the balancebetween female anatomy and unbalanced brain chemicalsmales gazes and straight jackets internalized, holding hands, squeezing out my sanityi do not know how to properly
As I grew up
I always knew
The subtle power of having two
Differing chromosomes that is
Women are a lesser cut of meat,
cut and chopped on a slab for a man’s pleasure.
Women are a distraction,
and a skirt above the knee keeps a man from his work.
Women are crazy,
My body is not my own.
As my 18th birthday approaches, so does my entry into adulthood
As does my loss of agency.
My value as a person will rest on how sexually appealing I seem
My hard work?
My morals?
This is a small excerpt in the perspective of Elliot Rodger before he went on a killing spree.Reader discretion is advised. I took complete liberty in making up his perspective (so be warned).
A body in the street
but no one knows how the small child sees
his brother dead facedown
now he will be remembered as a corpse and the child a statue
Is this what we wanted
I Just want you to know who I am
Who I've been all along
Not afraid of rejection
Not afraid of what you think
But I never say anything
I run and hide
I don't want you to think any different of me
I've always hid behind the curtain
Walls of every color
Too afraid for them to know the real me
Afraid of acceptance
Afraid of appreciation
Afraid it won't be the same
But now it's time they know
I can't make you change
I can't make you love
I can't make you be who you were
I can't make you be everything
I can't make you love me
Make me believe
Make me trust
Will you walk away?
Would you walk on by
If I ignored you now
would you say goodbye?
Would you tell me it's not me you love anymore
If I asked you to
Will you stay?
Let's make this last forever
You're so Delerious
Let's be serious
It's you and me
Take what you want
All of me
I have what I need
All of you
Take off your clothes
(Verse 1)
Day by day.
I'm so glad you left.
My life hasn't been better since that day.
When you said goodbye.
You walked out.
I cried.
It hurt so bad.
(Verse one)
Do you remember when it was just me and you?
On that hot July afternoon
You took me by the hand
led me into the woods
And whispered "I love you"
When it's after midnight and you're next to him and he just looks at you, the moon making his eyes look like stars. It feels like the moment is just frozen right there.
I will not love.At least not you.My life has gone.Passed me byToo many tears.So much painI will try to learn to love againBut not for you.
(Verse 1)
I promised to wait for you.
You wasted my time,
and took too long.
I decided to move on.
I'm no longer yours.
Spended too much time waiting for you to come around and take me away.
(Verse 1)
Just one wrong word.
Can turn this all around.
End everything we ever had.
Destroy the love that we always dreamed of.
I don't wanna be the one wanting you back.
(Verse 1)
I thought we might of had another chance.
But you're already gone.
I wish I could go back to the start of it all.
I didn't realize how easily you could move on.
(Verse 1)
So many things to say.
Always holding back...
Every last word.
There's so much I wish I could just finally tell you.
Like the way I love you.
By Bre Jon Harris
I am me not what they portray me to be
What’s that???
Hatred for women I see
Does this strengthen the legitimacy?
With every "that's not ladylike" my voice drops a little lower until I become a mosquito tone.
With every "you hit like a girl" my fists collapse at my sides as open palms, begging approval.
I don't need your anger or your hate.
I don't need your rampant misogyny.
I don't need any of that. None of us do.
Those people didn't need it either.
Lives cut short on a savage whim.
Rap is My Boyfriend
I’ve gotten into a relationship with the wrong type of guy
Because when I was dating R&B or pop, my self-esteem was so high
R&B’s words were so soft and sentimental
It's just really frustrating:how it only takes one person to ruina safe space; feeling obligatedto play into the "nice guy's" hands; how you
What if.
What if I'm not just the tight kink of a curl.
What if I'm not just soft brown blends that make the hue of my skin.
The School is full of shit
Students can't say what they want
All they are taught is to take a sit
The school is full of misogony
Girls can't talk about things that make men "uncomfortable"
I am in this world deformed,Rendered useless by some,But unbeknownst to them, There's a world that will accept me.It comes through the TV screen,in the form of kingdoms, mazes, and caverns.I can take to the skies, swing a sword at those who questi
Oh. Thick girls?
They are better than Big girls.
Big girls are like big.
Thick Girls are just better
Said everyone.
Big girl
Big girl
No loves you they said, lose weight they tell me
Brainwash the children of the nation
with songs by Drake
omg becky look at her butt
you only live once
dripping with misogyny
stupid sayings
strangle our minds into believing
Asha Neeman grew up in the suburbs of the big city,
Always making others laugh,
She was so witty.
A great athlete and a straight “A” student,
Every boy wanted to be with her,
But hated her prudence.
I'm no Maya Angelou, Mark Twain, or Emerson.
I don't yet know my dearest complaints, intents, or direction.
I've never been hurt so bad that I've been deeply pained,
I have, however, seen enough to know that we need change.