Lament of a Feminist
As I grew up
I always knew
The subtle power of having two
Differing chromosomes that is
As I grew up
Observation revealed
Female worth lies in sex appeal
Not her brain
As I grew up
I saw my friends
Thought beauty more important than common sense
It was contagious
The men cheer for us to take it off,
Then call us sluts when we do what they want
Work just as hard as all the men,
But for his dollar, earn 78 cents
Comment on our bodies as we walk down the road
Thinking sex with us is something they're owed
A girl is raped
She's called a whore
Cause she was drunk at the club instead of at home doing chores
And that's our place in this society
Expected to be subservient to a man
Birth him babies with our bodies
While pleasing him with sex whenever we can
And don't you dare point out the injustice
Keep your mouth shut for this is where you belong
For if you dare to mention the inequality
You're a hairy legged dyke feminazi
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zebra black
This poem moves me
ita about a derelect cultire ...disfunction....youth ...absence of manners...saving face...ego trips
guilt...shame ....controll...fear .....and not much about sex at all
It makes me sad....
To be a feminist in my mind is not about objectification
or to look exciting ..its about finding others who are worth your time
your love your energy your kindness...your sexy erotic self
to be a feminist is not to be a victim ...to be strong ...and do what the hell you want and need to do
To have self esteem and if you are mistreated make MF pay