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It was twelve years ago today when I found you dead.I knew you had died because you were lying lifeless on that hospital bed.I bought you a card and a toy easter bunny that were buried with you.
He brought laughter and he was important to many.He died 50 years ago and his name was Jack Benny.Mel Blanc appeared quite often on Jack's show.At the age of eighty, it was Benny's time to go.
One year ago tonight, I had to watch as your life came to an end.It was sad to witness your demise and I felt so much pain within.You died in 2023 on the 9th of December.You'll be a dog who I'll always remember.
When you died, you died too soon.You died one year ago this afternoon.A vet tried to save you with a blood transfusion but you died anyway.You died and my heart was broken one year ago today.  
Almost fifty-three years ago, I became your grandson.You died 30 years ago today at the age of seventy-one.You became sick when a doctor prescribed you some Dilantin.
I didn't expect my black Cocker Spaniel to die.He died 30 years ago today on the 14th of July.He was born in 1981 and Poochie was his name.He was killed by a car and it was a damn shame.
Something happened eleven years ago that was sad.After he battled Leukemia for many months, I lost Dad.I thought he'd live longer but he died at the age of sixty-five.
Frank Sutton was an actor who died half a century ago.He starred in one episode of "The Andy Griffith Show".He starred in every episode of "Gomer Pyle: USMC".Sutton died fifty years ago today at the age of fifty.
Jack Schwartzman had one daughter and three sons.This producer died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 61.Sadly, he lost his life thirty years ago today.His family mourned when he passed away.
Wednesday was your least favorite day and you died on a Wednesday.After living for sixty-four years, you became sick and you passed away.The eleventh anniversary of your death is on your least favorite day of the week.
It was two decades ago today when an actor took his final breath.When he starred in "Doctor Who", he starred in "The Robots of Death".His name was Russell Hunter and he was born in February of 1925.
I found you lying dead on my kitchen floor.It was sad because you couldn't be my dog anymore.On August the 27th of 2013, I adopted you.It was a really wonderful thing for me to do.
Ten years ago today, four innocent people in a pharmacy were shot.It took just thirty something minutes for the murderer to be caught.The two employees survived but the pharmacist and his customer died.
It was a day that I was bound to dread.I woke up in the hospital and found you dead.I told the nurse that I thought you had died and she examined you.She found no pulse and she confirmed what I believed to be true.
She starred in "Doctor Who" and "Blood Money".She died thirty years ago today at the age of 63.When she starred in those Doctor Who episodes, she starred with William Hartnell and Tom Baker.
Papaw was born in 1910 on the first of May.He died a quarter of a century ago today.After living a long life, he died at the age on 87.Almost ten years ago, Mom joined him in Heaven.
                                                            Ich werde alle Glocken läuten Für deinen Geburtstag Ich werde aus meinen Taschen
Mwen pral sonnen tout klòch yo Pou anivèsè nesans ou Mwen pral sòti nan pòch mwen Bèl bijou ki soti nan Bèl Ans pou ou.  
I will ring all the bells For your anniversary I will take out of my pockets Fancy and pretty exotic jewelries.  
                                                              Tocaré todas las campanas Para tu cumpleaños Saldré de mis bolsillos Bonitas joyas de las hermosas calas.
You starred in "The Visitation" which was an episode of Doctor Who.Your life ended thirty years ago today on December the 11th of 1992.You died two weeks before Christmas Day.You were sixty-two when you passed away.
If you're wondering how long it took for a man to die after crashing a car, five days was how long it took.The car crash killed him and his ex-wife who was named Stacy Brooks.
Princess Diana was born in England and died in France.When she was in a car crash, she didn't have a chance.She divorced Prince Charles of Wales just one year before she died.
It has been nine years since I adopted her.She was like a daughter and that's for sure.We were together for nearly seven years.When I say that I loved her, I am sincere.When I found her dead, I was horrified.
When I advertised for a Chihuahua on Craigslist, I had good luck.I was able to buy another dog and she cost two hundred bucks.But about four weeks later, she got sick and nearly died.
He began recording for Sun Records until his contract was acquired by RCA.He was the King of Rock and Roll and his life ended forty-five years ago today.He died at the age of forty-two and Elvis Presley was his name.
                                            If you were born in the month of August Be cool, be calm, be wise and be robust
When a man took drugs, it wasn't intelligent or nifty.Drugs killed him one year ago today at the age of 50.He was born in 1971 and perished after living on this earth for five decades.
I remember how much Dad suffered during his final days.After months of receiving chemotherapy, he passed away.Regular chemo stopped working so they used a more powerful version that made him feel worse.
When I adopted you in 2013, Chihuahua dogs quickly became my favorite breed.You died seven hundred and thirty days ago and it hurt, it hurt very much indeed.I named you after a very special woman who was my mother.
Andy Griffith found success when he starred in "The Andy Griffith Show".That sitcom is still popular today and it was created over sixty years ago.It was one decade ago today when Andy Griffith took his final breath.
When my friend was a teenager, he started smoking pot.If you're wondering if my friend is still alive, sadly, he's not.The pot that he smoked led him to take worse drugs like Meth.
When my friend was a teenager, he started smoking pot.If you're wondering if my friend is still alive, sadly, he's not.The pot that he smoked led him to take worse drugs like Meth.
He's a deceased actor who still has plenty of fans, including me.Dan Blocker died fifty years ago today at the age of forty-three.He and his family moved to Switzerland because he was against the Vietnam War.
Today is the first anniversary of the death of my friend.Sadly, on April the 8th of 2021, his life came to an end.He would give me rides to the grocery store.I'm sorry to say that he is not alive anymore.
Today is a new spring’s first day Today is the birth of a new season Today is another blessed birthday
Nine years ago today, you ceased to be a member of the human race.You died from an abdominal aneurysm and you went to a better place.You're in Heaven and life up there is a nonstop party every day.
Cowardly terrorists caused many people a great deal of sorrow.On September 11, 2001, 2,996 people would have no tomorrow.Many people died because a few planes were hijacked.
When my Chihuahua died during the Summer of 2020, I was devastated.When I had to say goodbye and bury her, it was something that I hated.At first, I wasn't going to buy another dog because it hurts too much when they die.
He starred in an episode of "18 Wheels Of Justice".He died ten years ago today and his name was Chris.He starred in a movie that is titled "Stunts Unlimited".His fans were sad when they learned that he was dead.  
You were like a daughter to me and I was like a dad.Your death was heart-breaking because it was so bad.I got the idea to call you my baby doll because that was what Mom called her cat.
Thirty years ago, your life was taken away.You have been deceased for 10,958 days.You starred in "Bonanza", "Little House On The Prairie" and "Highway To Heaven" as well.
He was a British actor who died on the 20th of May.He died in 1996, he died twenty-five years ago today.He was an extremely talented actor and his name was Jon Pertwee.
He was a great actor but sadly, he's not alive anymore.He died thirty-seven years ago today on April 18, 1984.He starred in "Moby Dick" and "The Man Who Could Cheat Death".
When a person dies so young, I have to ask why.I still miss you as each day passes by.When my brother told me how sick you were, he told me face to face.He didn't want to tell me over the telephone so he came to my place.
I'm proud of myself and I have something to say.I quit smoking last year on the 3rd of May.It was one year ago when I smoked for the last time.When it came to spending money for tobacco, I haven't spent a dime.
The moments, ordinary, have started adding up, From sharing meals together, or coffee in a cup, Subtract the times when sadness had tried to seize the way, As love returned with gladness; a new and brighter day. -
Back and forth, we talk everyday, yet, I wish to be closer with you in every way. For the past six months, we have built a bridge,  of happiness and love, and more than a smidge.
23 years of marriage. Damn, 23 years. I could not believe that it would last that long because he had proposed to me in a bar.
Dad, These are the days where I, With special clarity, With attentive mind Give heed to the cavern in my heart. These are the days where I wonder And I miss your smile. The days I remember.
It's been twenty years since you've departed and the world is just as anxious as it was when you startedYou blessed the world with your art like Picasso at his canvas,And your voice helped the west side gain statusYou were an advocate for black pr
You may think me as your enemy but me on Seeing you Mine eyes never wants to blink But see thine eyes of belle Heart of mine gets its beat doubled Cells of brain will search for words of worth
I adopted my Chihuahua Dog two years ago today.I'll be Agnes's last owner, she's here to stay.I adopted her in Morristown, Tennessee.I am lucky because Agnes is with me.Two years has been how long I've known her.
It'll all change, written on a different page but there is no going back Love was the lack, my soul as dark as black, i lied i cheated ill do the opposite of my mistakes
 Happy Anniversary 10 YRS TODAY FACEBOOK    4.2.2004----------- 4.2.2014
Let us celebrate Today we seal our fate Only few days past the date That changes for love not hate.
From the day I first met you My world started to change, Whether I realized it or not My life would now rearrange.   Every thought in my head Every feeling I felt,
I don’t know how much Corpses can hear, But if you’re hearing, Some things must be made clear After this first year.
Three hundred sixty five days each year But this one was with you, my dear From our very first kiss, the sixth of January I’ve dreamt that someday we will marry We’ll live happy ever after, as it should be
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