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Thousands of years you shone
Brightest in the beast’s breast
The heart of the lion
And forming a billion years before
The ancients knew you
I want to tell the stars that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for the nights I couldn't see.
The nights they couldn't see me.
Jealous clouds often hiding their beauty.
I'm sorry for the nights I stared,
All the world is my stage, but I am not acting.
Standing up for what's right and just.
Sharing my passions and knowledge,
about so many things...
astronomy, history, ecology, the world in which we live.
The moon is determined
Shining above for the world to see
Showing his face in the day
Where he is least welcome
The moon is determened
He smiles broadly in the light of his love
Though until today
it was unseen
everyone knew your heart was greedy
eager to devoure any
that came to close
But who could have imagined
the way it fiercly shines?
One day,
we’ll surge past the exosphere,
flying at
two hundred ninety-nine million seven hundred ninety-two thousand four hundred fifty-
The Queen, in all her beauty
watch her majasty dangle
upside down
from the cosmos
hands reaching in regret
(or vain desire?)
in stone and stars
cemented in endless astronomy
To most people,
a mentor, is a person
Mother, father, brother, sister
family or friend
are they anything else
My mentor neither lives nor breathes;
She does not speak or sigh,
The stars cry the hallows of heaven.
They declare the name of our Creator.
The thin air on the peaks of the mountains,
Is the echoed glory of our Savior.
The purple-black sky is the shadow cast,
You lasted only 21 years on this 4.5 billion-year-old rock we call Earth.
On a universal scale, each second in Earth's time represents 440 years.
If I could find a mirror,
I'd clean it through and through.
Then, resolutely,
I'd show a star to you.
While superficially unassuming,
Within the glass you'll find
Ghosts of a cosmos once blooming;
How many universes are there?
Few? Several? Many? What is the exact number?
Nobody knows, but one is the safe answer.
The cosmos is a large and mysterious place,
Filled with untold and undiscovered elements,
From the tumultuous nebula
I am born
A protostar, volatile, sparking with excitement and fusion, the cold breath of the new year
II looked up and saw a solemn darkness with muted stars that dotted the face of the sky like freckles (nary a constellation in sight!).
The ancient Incans used the dark spots in the milky way as their constellations
Instead of depending on the brighter points in the sky
They allowed the emptiness to rule their life
Some days I long to be like the ocean
Gently drifting in a world of deep blue
And exotic life forms.
The crest of my waves protect me from the terrors of hate
And even at low tide
I am still loved.
If I don't know where I'm from, you ask, how will I know where I'm going?
Fair enough.
Here's my best answer:
I am from a little boy crying because I turned his amoeba of green paint into a t-rex.
The beauty of creation sings aloud
High praises to the One who reigns above.
From swirling galaxies and nebula
To splendid, sparkling stars in heaven high,
He shows us all His power and His might.
Encapsulated in an island of soot and ash, Shrouded in poisonous smoke, my eyes strain to see the star,
If I could stay up for 30 hours straight,
I'd like to float in outer space,
Around the revolving Earth below,
I'd watch the sunlight scatter into darkness,
Along the racing photon beams,
I fill my lungs
With the nebulas and stars.
Breathe in the frost of the moons,
Exhale the rays of the suns.
I let my eyes dance like stars
In the cosmic heavens above.
Small towns with big voices
No wandering sheet music can be found here
I have no reason to search for it, I haven’t heard a stray tune
The chorus has its prose, and its stories, and I hear them and feel nothing
When I look into night,
The stars blue and burning wildly but silent,
And I wonder of the worlds they light--
The newly forming star,
the planets, red and blue,
the black holes and white dwarfs,
Discover scientific breakthroughs.
The world has turned its face from the Sun,
And I don't know if it will turn again.
In the dark black I stumbled over the Earth crying-confused
Roadburn on my knees, gravel imprints in my gray-pink palms
look up to the sky
not bird or a plane
just the big blue sky and its nearing night
some say the world is hidden without light
but, you see, not just the stars come out at night
We are made of star stuff
Sagan told me that.
He taught me that I’m ancient
And am new.
God taught me magic lived
And breathed and died.
He taught me that the sky
Space is coolest in my mind,
We are ever searching,
And who know's what we'll find?
To be an explorer is my wish,
to see supernovas, pulsars,
and even Pieces the Fish.
The blue skies are viewed as the limit
But I am not willing to admit
That the clouds is where I want to stop
There is a universe that goes on forever
Just waiting for someone to discover
That night I had caught your eye a few times,
but I was choking on my insecurity,
words wrapping tightly around my throat.
So instead you watched me with an intense gaze very far awayI see your powerful glimmering greatness shining from the celestial sky.I long to reach and touch the spherical fire burning inside.
Like Jupiter, his face always features at least one giant red spot
And Saturn's rings have found a second home beneath his eyes
The stifling clouds of Venus emanate from his throat
Folly then, not folly now
Earth about the sun revolves
Aristarchus, show us how
Minds resist yet thought evolves
Puzzle through the paths so cryptic
Crossing orbit and ecliptic
Or lean
Zero Hour, 9AM.
The ground rushes away from us at untold speed!
Atop this giant rocket-propelled bullet we lift from the very sky itself!
First stage disengaged!
Why is space so darkif there are so many stars,From depths of eternal nightThirty-seven light years pastUp in the northern skyblue arms reach out from withinleaves of light extending
Dedicated to the man whose quest for wanderers
caused him to question that term's definition.
The dance of time is a rite of eternity,
dynamic and never ending.
These unremitting bodies harmoniously cycle,
solitarily dissenting their vested round.
I like the intricacies of verse,
multiple syllables strewn together in a formal
translation, a bump and struggle
for quick
comprehension before the next lines are said.
I’m not interested in vague references
Drops of starlight swimming through the atmosphere,
the aquamarine sky swirling above.
It's time.
Silver seas calm,
No breeze through the grasses.
It's time.
Space can be compared to anything you might,
From a mystical journey to even a sweet delight
No one can know
Space: friend or foe
But even still we try with all our might.
The stars are specks of light,
A broken string of scattered pearls,
Dandruff, Dust on black velvet,
Rice thrown on a wedding day,
Snowflakes, White ashes on coal,
Pebbles in a riverbed,
The stars they shine, like diamonds in velvet.
So grand and so bright way up in the sky.
A breeze blew by but I barely felt it.
My mind mesmerized by those stars, but why?
Then clouds rolled in and I let out a sigh.