'2017' 'becauseiloveyou' 'Abuse' 'toxic relationships’ 'self love'
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If you were to ask,
In your echoed voice,
For your simple task,
“Would you change, given the choice?”
No, not even if you had said,
Like white-noise in my head,
The first time you found me,
I was a little girl.
You told me I could trust you
and then you turned around and ruined me.
You’re sorry because you love me.
You’re sorry because you’re scared of being alone.
You’re sorry for overreacting.
“I just don’t want to lose you” you say.
Every day you tell me I'm worthless.
Every day you make me focus on you.
Can you not sense this sadness?
A sadness that is new.
Every day you try to change me.
Every day you ask for money.
Because I loved you,
I stayed longer that I should have.
Because I loved you,
I didn’t acknowledge all the red flags.
Because I loved you,
Do you know what it is like to feel empty yet full at the same time?
Know that you're blessed with life and love of others yet neglect your own
Look in the mirror, can't you see?