We Do Not Wake Up
As we rise,
so shall we fall-
those who go down to the sea
in ships that never return.
What is the physicality of their fear? does it linger
In their veins,
behind their eyes?
Is it, tangible,
as mine, as present as
masked and veiled, the wooden ship
emerging fragmented? beneath their feet?
Make No Mistake-
this isn’t a fairytale
there is a cost of living
and a price of dying
Ships sink into the sky only in dreams.
Forgiving and forgetting is fairytale.
Here, we regret.
She remembers when she’s cried.
She recalls who has cried around her.
They sign leases.
He goes to the bathroom after lunch.
I take only a minute to breath-
and then I leave.
We live in escapades,
not sagas.
We do not wake up.