Time machine for me.
Dear Past Me,
I'm sorry.
I'm so incredibly sorry
For what you went through,
For how you were treated.
You should have never accepted
What they were giving you.
You deserved so much more than that.
You showed yourself
To horny boys
Hoping that would do it,
That would make them love you.
I hate to say it but it's the truth;
You were so stupid for thinking
That you didn't deserve anythng
Better than that.
Because you did!
You deserved so much more than that.
And it breaks my heart so much
To look back
And see you hidden on your bed
Crying yourself to sleep every night,
Thinking that you would never ever
Find someone
Who could love you.
How could you ever feel so worthless?
I wish,
I just wish
That you could've met someone
Like me
I wish I could go back
And hug you so tight
And tell you,
"Put down the blade,
Don't pierce your beautiful skin,
Don't do this to yourself.
You're beautiful.
Please don't do this to yourself.
I love you.
And that's all you need right now.
You need to love yourself, darling.
You don't need those stupid boys
To feel beautiful and loved.
It doesn't last long anyway."
It's now two thousand eighteen,
Let me tell you
What you are like now,
You know what your worth is,
You know that you will meet someone
Who will love you
For exactly who you are on the inside.
You are confident,
People can see it in the way you walk
Down the halls.
Your scars,
They are reminders
Of who you were,
Of how hopeless you were,
How worthless you felt.
And how you will never go back
To feeling that way.
They show you how to never treat yourself again,
And how to never accept anything less
Than you deserve.
You are amazingly extravagant.
I'm sorry that I couldn't have found this out sooner,
I'm so sorry.
So, this letter here,
that your holding in your hands,
It's an apology,
Along with how you are now.
When you see this,
I hope it gives you hope.
I love you.