There's Something About Those Lyrics...
Turn on the radio
Max out the volume
Do you love this song?
That song speaks to you
On a level no one can ever imagine
Not the whole song but
Just that one line the artists says
Forget the rest of the lyrics
That one line explains your whole life
It's that one line you listen for
That can bring tears to your eyes
Tears you've been holding back
You're thinking "I'm done with crying"
"I'm tired of this sadness
and I'm tired of this song!"
You take a break from listening
To the radio or any music
You hear the song while in the car
Oh No! Memories start flashing back
Tears start forming.
You fight them back and tell yourself
You're stronger now.. this song is behind you
And you're right...
You smile and ignore the song
Ignore the memories
Then dances to the next like nothing happened
You did it girl!
You let the past go..
Now it's time to greet the future with a warm smile :)