Teenage Pregnancy Prose
Baby Girl!!
What are you doing?!!
Do you care about your life?
Being a mother isn't easy
Being a single mother is harder
Being a single, young mother is damn near impossible.
Our country do not support you.
Our communities does not agree with you.
Our churches see you as a failed sinner.
Our politicians use you as a prototype to lazy welfare recipients.
They do not understand that you once had a dream.
They did not know you were often times pressured into sex…
By him, by friends, those neighbors and your society.
They do not care that you have low self-esteem or that you thought not wearing a condom was just no big deal.
Maybe you were reckless,
And maybe you did not know what you was getting yourself into.
Perhaps your mother is a single mother.
Was a young mother...
Was a young, single mother....
I heard you say she never finished high school around the time you came around.
I heard she says her mother never got to apply to the college or uni of her choice.
He said his mom have worked hard all his life, with nothing much to show for it.
No rewards.
Where’s the benefits?
If this is your story…
You HAVE to break the cycle.
You need to, not just for you but for all parties soon to be involved.
Him, his family, you, your family, your community, tax payer’s dollars but most importantly your little one.
I understand.
My mother was twenty-one when she first gotten pregnant.
She immigated from her country to the United States.
Miami, Florida is her new home.
She gotten married when my eldest brother (her eldest child) was just a few months old.
Five dramatic changes all in a couple of months.
First relationship with my father, pregnancy, birth of my brother, marriage, moving to a foreign country.
By the age of twenty-three my mom was pregnant with my other brother.
My mother, a young woman with two little boys only two years apart, recently married, living in a strange country with very few relatives.
My mother had to get a job in order to help take care of her growing family.
At first, she was told, often encouarage to not work.
But she felt obligated to, she wanted to, home life was just too boring.
Changes, changes.
Forward to my older sister and my debut. My mom has had a divorce since than and has entered into a scary, toxic relationship.
Don’t let this be you.
It won’t be me.
My mom only have an high school education.
She once had a dream that she now feels as if she have lost.
She lives through us, my sister and I.
Because we give her hope, that one day we will not have to suffer in the same ways she had.
She has never been to college.
She suffers financially every single day….
Please, don’t let this be you.
With love
XO __SuperWoman20