Quest to Achieving "Success"
What does freedom cost? A million dollars? Or maybe a signature on a paper?
I ponder this as I wait for my freedom papers
The official decree that loosens the noose that is constantly around my neck
Go to school, graduate, go to college they say
But what does it all come to in the end?
Red eyes, weak muscles and stress that never goes away
I am conditioned to always think about the future
What's next on this never ending schedule called life
When all I want to do is live in the moment and not have to think about college, money or what's going on with my family
Sometimes I want to watch a funny movie on Saturday nights
Visit a museum that takes my breath away
Or snuggle up to a good book where the main character becomes my best friend
Yet the worries of this world burden me
I yearn to be free from obligation to live this life the way society expects me to
Always told how to think, what to eat, what to wear and how to wear it
Without regard for opinions, individuality or things we do to fit in
When sometimes the puzzle piece does not match up with the big picture
People chase freedom and happiness their whole lives,
Though its not an object that can be attained or bought, but a lifestyle that one can choose
I am choosing to break the chains that constrict me and fly with freedom
A mental state that will not hinder me, but propel me to greater heights
Until I'm so high that nothing will ever bring me back down again.