Little White Lies
In the past I felt like I had nothing left to fight for. It wasn’t enough. I held on to the numbing‘s and told myself you can stop when you find that one thing that will call you back to reality like before. I never truly knew what I was in search to find, nor did I ever actively seek for the unknown. I only waited and hoped to come across something that related but I knew God was the only way to a pure sound mind. Passively I thought about everything constantly, never processing feelings or emotions but always managed to surround myself with an ocean of the enemies lies. Then I started to ponder what is a lie from the enemy? The only evident fact that I found to be true was God will not condemn or shame you; he will protect you comfort you give grace, mercy, consequences, love, and wisdom to teach you the difference between a forged relationship disguised as a white raven in the sky.