I am not going to write about you
I am not going to write about you.
I am not going to write about him.
I am not going to write about it.
I am not going to write about me.
I want to write about the world.
I want to write about changes.
I want to write about things that matter.
I want to write the truth.
But what if you are my world?
But what if you never change?
But what if you're all that matters?
But what if you're all that's true?
I promised myself that I wouldn't listen.
I promised myself that I wouldn't call.
I promised myself that I wouln't kiss you.
I promised myself that I wouldn't hold on.
But you make me do things I shouldn't.
But you make me think things I shoudn't.
But you make me crave things I shouldn't.
But you make me love things I shouldn't.
Shit, I wrote about you.
Shit, what if you see?
Shit, guess I better hope I can trust my readers.
Shit, they know all about me.