Ana and Mia
Sitting in a tree
And what do you know
Along comes Me
They trick my mind
So I see them as beautiful
And who would’ve thought
I began to fall in love
I fall fast
And hard
There’s nothing that can stop me now
This love I have
It keeps going
But I don’t see it that way
No, I feel pretty
Finally for once
I see myself as skinny
But no?
Not quite yet?
Ten more pounds,
And maybe I’ll be there.
Maybe I’ll be pretty,
I lost those ten,
But I’m still not good enough.
Oh Ana, Oh Mia
Please make me beautiful
Their friend comes along
He goes by the name Blade
He’s as cool as steel
And as sharp as a razor
They tell me that he
Can relieve all my pain
Just let him do his job,
Let him tickle my veins.
I shut my eyes,
And feel a trickle,
And a little scratch,
Some pain that is physical,
But nothing I can’t handle.
Nothing I don’t like.
Oh thank you Blade.
You make me happy,
You distract me from this life.
Everything seems easier,
When I have my wrist at the knife.
Now we four
We’re the best of friends
You see us together
Time and time again
I don’t expect things to change
Unless someone new comes along
Which I don’t see happening
As depression has been a part of this quartet
For oh so very long
So I guess that counts as five
But depression you see
He hides
I hide him with smiles
I hide back the tears
Even close friends
Don’t know that he has been closest for years
He even has a nickname
Oh yes, I call him Bill
Bill first came around
When I was just a little girl
Told me I wasn’t good enough
That I should end my life
And of course I did try
With my own kitchen knife
But sad to say I failed
And bill has been haunting me
It’s gone from knives to pills
And well Bill and Blade
They get along quite well
If you ask me
Oh yes, I sometimes feel like I am in the middle
Bill and Blade
Ana and Mia
They seem perfect for each other
And here I am
Still alone