Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

You are worth the effortYou will always be worth the effort
3 weeks 1 day ago
she said I Love You as i emptied my walleti had never told a stranger I Love You
3 weeks 1 day ago
Creative Spirit, Honest steps a hundred miles, Stolen beauty filed, Thieves by night, morning in exiled.
3 weeks 5 days ago
A frozen solid block of ice... Winter wind sure feels nice. The sun, hidden, behind the clouds...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Words of love SO endearing... When the act itself's involved. Words of love in the act itself's absence...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Lingering Feelings Your smell still on the blanket sheets,
3 weeks 6 days ago
Lingering Feelings Your smell still on the blanket sheets,
3 weeks 6 days ago
I got you yeah I got you ooh it was a Saturday night, When it all went bad yall tried to make it right Ended hurting me bad but that's al
1 month 5 days ago
I have so much hate. But it might be because I'm confused. I'm not mad at anyone, I'm mad at the world.
1 month 6 days ago
You can be the 100% poison I take in, Out of seven deadly, you can be my number one sin,
1 month 1 week ago
