Browse Poems
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
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You have the words to heal the world
But you're biting your tongue
Afraid of civil wrongs
2 weeks 1 day ago
I am not one to get political
except for when it comes to my body
women's rights should not be dictated by a man
2 weeks 1 day ago
being a girl means being sexualized since birth
girl hood is boys making fun of you because they like you
2 weeks 1 day ago
being a girl means being sexualized since birth
girl hood is boys making fun of you because they like you
2 weeks 1 day ago
Their shouts remain
as hope reclaimed
the smoke still
on the beach
2 weeks 1 day ago
Sinking in a feeling of unwanted.
Prettified while seeping.
Stigmatized,yet still breathing.
2 weeks 2 days ago
Republican rumps
Are in the dumps
When Elon thumps
Donald jumps
2 weeks 2 days ago