Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

*A poem based on the recent rape case in Steubenville, Ohio. Rape Culture lives in Ohio. He is a 17-year old male.
11 years 3 weeks ago
A squirrel, two sparrows. A crippled dog. Hit. Grasp, save, grasp, hit, miss. Miss. Miss again.
11 years 3 weeks ago
The sun sets into the ocean, Its majesty outstanding.
11 years 3 weeks ago
Here we are at the table family all around. He sits at the head of the table bearing his mischievous grin.
11 years 3 weeks ago
your eyes are the solar system, shining like a thousand suns flecked with moonbeams. your hair, long cascading waves,
11 years 3 weeks ago
Remember me when I’m gone, When I’m cold and lifeless, When you miss me the most,
11 years 3 weeks ago
Cinnamon, Chocolate, Cocoa Brown We as good people fit good in this town Peanut Butter Coffee cream
11 years 3 weeks ago
You try to escape, try to run, It doesn’t matter, try to hide, You can’t get away, try to scream,
11 years 3 weeks ago
Freedom of speech, but still watch what you say, because some statements may get your physical presence put into a place of potential def
11 years 3 weeks ago
They named me,"Bright Warrior". A little boy, carried from his bed to a dark room.
11 years 3 weeks ago
