Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

I've never had my head spin and blank out so hard,Never tried to stay awake for nights,
3 weeks 5 days ago
The predator was out to kill,Everything was quiet and still,Laying there motionless on his bed,
3 weeks 5 days ago
You can be the 100% poison I take in, Out of seven deadly, you can be my number one sin,
3 weeks 5 days ago
First WeekBig smile,Shiny eyes,Nothing unordinary,Everythings alright?Do you see it yet?  
3 weeks 5 days ago
He hits and screams, It's never his fault, They never see much proof that he caused any harm,
3 weeks 5 days ago
There's a void,  A giant black hole,  In place of my heart,  Because what you did to me,  What was done, 
3 weeks 5 days ago
Peace never washes over me, Not even with fresh rain, It's always a lifetime worth of pain, 
3 weeks 5 days ago
The night chases the day, The sun chases the moon, Some people chase storms,
3 weeks 5 days ago
As sleep takes over against my will, Fear holds on, It does every night, From dusk till dawn.
3 weeks 5 days ago
If I had to write about you, It wouldn't be about flying, or the deep ocean, not even mountain top views,
3 weeks 5 days ago
