I am from

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Soy de besos de lluvia y lame rapida del sol soy de Super Bowl gana y pérdidas Super Bowl soy de la ciudad esmeralda.  
I am from which the phoenix rises, scattered in the blowing winds I am from backing the wrong horse in the land of the roaring lion and the original golden eagle I am from a tradition of Celtic warriors and famine
I am from teddy bears From a burning heater and vibrant evergreens I am from the sparkling Lights and hopes of snow that I knew would never come I am from art and glitter glue , walking down halls that felt like pre school
I am from the baracles from the bottom of  speedboat. I am from the waves from the breaking water th buoy floating from the safe zone.   I am from the broken sidewalks
I am FromI am from Sandy and Rugger, Kose and Jeanne, Eleanor and MelbaI am from where i stand now, from birth and never leftI am from bug filled summers and ice filled winters
I am from seashells, from sandcastles and saltine crackers. I am from the many doors of the Windsor Heights apartment building and you could hear the waves crashing on the beach of San Diego, California.
I am from Pikachu and 8-bit music, hands rubbed raw from the constant pressing of buttons, sleepless nights filled with muffled laughter as I became the Champion.
I am from the sun and sea, fire and earth I am from forbidden love, heat and passion I am from broken laws and wounded souls Constant trips and endless highs   I am from falling snow and raging winds
                                             I Am From                                                                        By Kayla Calderon I am from democracy, from a flag that shows our states.
I am from gravel roads, leading to my home in the middle of nowhere.  I am from dusty, hot summer days swinging on the tire swing, jumping on the trampoline. 
I am from the ministry where the whole church knows me.  I am from glasses that helped me see. I am from a trampoline where we bounced high. I am from a class always singing "Bye, Bye, Bye."
I am from water rippling, From splashing and playing, In my kiddy pool, On a hot summer’s day While spending a few weeks with my Grandmother. I am from chasing after a Swan’s truck,
I am from serious at a young age, childhood slipping away from a seven year old, too young to witness so much sadness.
I am from leotards, from GK and Adidas. I am from flips, from vault, bars, beam, and floor. Hours of training, the good and the bad, all put in for the love of the sport. 
I am from the ancient lands of Africa where the first people took their long tread to the development of civilization. I am from equality where no being is discriminated by intellect or appearance.
  I am from lipstick, lipgloss, and lipstain, From Revlon and Covergirl, and from many other lip products. I am from the bubblegum pink walls of my bedroom, The heater that lined two walls of my room
I am from an imprison mind of bottle up thoughts that insecurities deny. I am from smoked lungs, deep breaths and flickers of stress. I am from a sorrow thought, a wrecked of regret with a nicked heart.
I am from deeply damaged spirits and recovering hearts From rough strict rules and taking one for the team I'm from being beaten to the ground and not staying down
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