Poems from a.lee1
When you sit in the corner,
Do the shadows pull at you?
Do you let them touch you?
Their sticky, bleached wishes
Muttered in your ear
Teach us something,
Teach us something that you
Deem as wisdom, not knowledge
We thirst for more than you can give,
Yet you try so hard...
Behold the crafty
Market of the age of achievers
Watch as they plunder, ambush,
And destroy
Stealing one another's dreams
Has become a...
Has your
Body ever hungered for warmth?
Been so desperate
That it was too chilled
To shiver?
The kind of iciness
That makes your muscles...
Can You Feel It Crumble?
Can you feel the deeps shiver,
In the ground-quake of uncertainty
The thing you have set your feet