Poems from Surlyduke1@gmail.com

Surlyduke1@gmail.com's picture
Hey , it’s been a couple years in this site . Right now I’m just settling down and am going to work on getting out a better product . The stuff that is obviously trash will probably be booted. I really have no beef with anyone .... A lot of what I write is about working out a particular demon . A lot is about trying new methods based on the feedback on the poems . .
Slow Dancing   Slow dancing with hookers. Vicious  onlookers . Purple skirt and black fishnets . Not like any girl I’ve ever met . Soak in...
Just Askinn   Is making out with a drunk girl the same as relapsing ? Not saying that I did .. Just askinn... Watching tv the home teams...
Free   No , no .... you can’t get free. Those words creeped out of me . Bags were packed car warmed up . Left the Army shirt that she said...
The thing is really this . it is simple: It's not poetic nor soft. The world is in a word ........ fucked  Vulgar I am , you say ?? Well...
He   He watched her glide on the carpet in  some loaned designer dress..  Reclining in the lazy boy beer in the arm rest . White trash...
