Poems from Surlyduke1@gmail.com

Surlyduke1@gmail.com's picture
Hey , it’s been a couple years in this site . Right now I’m just settling down and am going to work on getting out a better product . The stuff that is obviously trash will probably be booted. I really have no beef with anyone .... A lot of what I write is about working out a particular demon . A lot is about trying new methods based on the feedback on the poems . .
Every Time   Every time I look out the front door . There’s time to wonder how much more . She showed me the road and left for the shore ....
  Certain women can’t be taught . They’d never even consider  being bought. It’s an affront their upstanding name . Maybe they don’t want...
It was easier for you when I was just a kindly stranger . I used to think that you were a woman with a sense of danger . It turned out you...
Yay   Let’s take take a minute to get back In  It . Kids in flannel shirts rolling in the dirt . Hipster millennials , it’s ironic that...
Yay   Let’s take take a minute to get back In  It . Kids in flannel shirts rolling in the dirt . Hipster millennials , it’s ironic that...
