It's amazing how you can fall for someone, who see's you as invisible, doesn't care is they break
They ponder at you wondering who you are I wish they would know me just like I did for him.
I wanted to be his one. Snuggled and cuddled till eternity, but that's not how it goes...
You wish everyday for a chance you never gotten, you hope you're never forgotten, but that's not
They have their gold that breaks you for years and truly does bring you to tears.
You walk past them mentally saying hey, how are you, let's be friends. But you can't because you
never had the courage to.
One day you overcome just like a balloon reaching for the sky, joy builds, but is taken away by the
harsh waves that comes by.
Everyday you walk by wondering if he would come to you. But dreams never come true.
You meet someone else who you thought you would never choose, oh yeah he has a girlfriend
It's amazing how you go for wrong time and time again. Beauty does not define my eternal quest
for success but its always been a guess.
i cheer in my heart everyday hoping for a spark of a trigger,
with your green eyes seeing me as a winner. I can hope and dream for us but it's broken my trust.
Trying to impress you everywhere I go, hoping that you will see me glow..
You shall always be in my heart and this is only a start, i will always b there as quick as a dart,
Hey, i will say one day- "we will be okay" combining our heads as one
Just a minute ago I found out it's just a dream that will never happen I am fallen, convincing
myself of a lie that has bruised me painfully. I have been waiting for something that is not
possible I must say goodbye and come to reality because that's what you are a dream that will
truly and ever be unattainable.