A Trillion Words
I create.Words I dictate.Thoughts into narrations I convertAnd I do not require a big effort.Ideas are not concrete as wordsFrom our minds they can fly like birds.They vanish into the deepest of our heart and mind,Making themselves impossible, for the thinkers, to find.Writing gifts me freedom and independenceImagination is my guidance.I have the power to transfigure reality as letters,For I belong to those artists called writers.What I posses within my soulIs the domination of many ideasThat I place in a story as a whole.People, places, actions, and situations are born.With many details these I adorn.My inventions commence as blankly as a white piece of paper,Of the brand new creations I am the shaper.With my knowledge, their physique is formed;With my taste their unique characteristics are composed;With my wisdom their complex identity is portrayed;With ink and paper from my mind to this world they are conveyed. My thoughts are a universe:No limits applied, no judgments, no statute of any kind. Million of worlds make such universe diverse. My thoughts are eternal as they do not rely upon time,Once commuted to words they annex significance and strength for a lifetime.They can love as they can hate,They can light as they can dim.My mind and hands instruments becomeAs they allow me to capture and print my ideas,That with excitement and passion I welcome.The world becomes endless.There is no limit. I can fly. I can breathe under water. I become whatever and whoever I desire. And there is no time. Expressions become different facts, Expressions become different ideas,Things that might or might not happen. I long to write about them. I long to share them. I long to make the readers become part of them. This is my art. This is who I am.I yearn to print my name in the universe as I print my thoughts on paper.