Tell Me Your Fears
Tell me your fears
show me you're human
life is one
yet we are not
but i feel like life is but a million
fragments of the truth
Tell me your fears
if the truth lies beneath
I can swim
I am not an olympian
but to find a fragment of the truth
in this immensely vast ocean
I will find a piece of life
my life
my life is fragmented
but if you are a piece I am one step closer
Tell me your fears
here I am
my state is vulnerable yet
you find the switch
the switch that opens everything
and be fragmented your fears
yet whole your being
and so be your fears the switch
let the waves cares my skin
and the wind whisper the
things i yearn to be
let me break down in front of you
You are the risk I would never take
but I you see I did
let us assume you
are the chance that impacts me
yet there are two roads
let the impact be
fatal joyous
or maybe both
a joyous fatality