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Do you remember me?
Do you remember the way you pulled at my hair?
Bit my shoulders
The way you hit me
Leaving marks of yourself over me
The way you flung money on my face
I am your burden
The God you called out to that did not answer
They failed me for the final time
I came begging on my knees
Skin torn and bleeding
Having walked thousands and thousand of miles
Press against my begging blossom,
Reaching for
Thy tender kiss.
As I quiver beneath your bosom,
Fill my womanhood
With bliss.
For I trust you with such bounty,
Take away
Wandering around the street
Looking for something to eat
Asking for money
But they didn't give any
The cold, polluted air
Sticks on my hair
Nowhere to stay
I don't know what to say
I reach into the shadows and my hand touches your face,
Every single line of yours my fingers pretend to trace,
I wonder - could this torture last forever?
My love, I'm seeking you in shadows,
Taking pictures half naked
Smoking and drinkin to try and forget your father left
Breaking your mothers heart for getting suspended from school for being half baked
Not once in my life have I heard someone say
“Could you spare some change?”; no, they expect we will pay.
They sit with their signs, black words in black scrawl,
and hope as we each walk on by, one and all.
Here I stand with a poster board in hand.
I look at you as you try to avoid me.
In your A/C, as you turn the radio up.
I'm struggling.
I am dying on my knees, when I want to stand on my feet.