Rose-Colored Lens
I put on my rose-colored lens
The day I met him
When the “I love you’s” and “You’re my everything’s”
Were clouds covering a dark storm
I felt the soft touches on my back, the warm kisses on my cheek
I didn’t feel the shoves, the names, the seemingly temporary pain of his words
He hurt me, but he healed me
Slapped me across the face, but kissed it to make it better
And for months I fell for it
My rose-colored lens covering words of advice from those who I should’ve trusted the most
Until one day, the pain became overbearing
It bled right through all the bandages he used to cover it
I ended it all, even though it felt like I was ripping part of my heart out
I sobbed into my pillow and looked up with the lights blurring my tears
Wondering when all of the pain would end.
And now, to this day, I now know what “because I love you” means
It’s not getting so jealous that you scream at them that their yours
And expecting them to give up their life all for you
It’s loving them and supporting them for their own accomplishments
And saying “go have fun” when they’re with their friends
It’s not telling them to dress nice for you
But calling them a slut when other boys are around to see it
It’s telling them they’re oh so beautiful in that dress
And holding their hand because you’re so proud to be their person
It’s not pushing them past their limits
Because you think you know what they want
It’s letting them set their own boundaries
And respecting their values as if they’re your own
It’s not screaming and yelling until you run out of insults to say
Then kissing their tears away and saying you’re sorry you’ve hurt them
It’s looking at their tears with pure heartbreak
And saving the anger for those that caused them
It’s not possessiveness, hatefulness, competition
Or trying to see who can hurt the other worse
It’s loving each other despite your differences
And believing with all your heart
That with every second you spend with them
You’re becoming a better person
That they will do anything
To make you happy
That you’re completely safe with them
Physically and emotionally
And it’s knowing that everything they do
Is because they love you.