My mask
Some people hide behind a curtain,
But I wear a mask.
My mask needed no purchase,
It came with my costume of skin,
and can not be recieved via pay pal nor cash.
I wear this mask every day
to conseal how I truly feel.
My mask is called a smile.
Google defines it as:
"form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression,
typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.
But to me it is merely a mask.
When combined with mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, and cover up
it conseals the tired, broken, hurting person that I am
Those things combine and beautifully intertwine to hide these dark feeligns of mine.
You'd have no idea after I put on my mask that I've spent all night crying
Or that I spent the day hugging the porcelin throne,
Begging god for forgiveness for all of the pills I took.
You wouldn't know that I'm not happy,
Because you never bothered to really look.