There were always those small moments:
The first time I drove myself to a friends
The first time I told my mom I was going to be my friends’ DD
The first time I realized I had to pick up her pieces
You know, those moments
The moments that you never think much of right then,
But they’ll make you nod on the train years later when you try to string your life’s story together
Then there are the big moments
The ones that will play in the cinema on your mind over and over again
Even though you never wanted to buy a god damn ticket
I play that scene every day
Walking into our camp’s lodge, a little late because a camper was homesick
A little too late
All of my friends were rag dolls on the ground
Their sobs wracking my ears in a way that will play on repeat for the rest of my life
Like a top 40 song
An older staff member took me by the shoulder, looked me in the eye and asked
“Do you know?”
I shook my head
I’m 18
I’ve never really known anything
“Neal; he’s dead”
The next thing I knew I had no bones to hold my body upright
I was on the ground
Gripping my hair for some sort of stability when the ground offered none
A voice that sounded like mine screamed “No” over and over
But I don’t remember making that shape with my mouth
I don’t remember who rubbed my back and attempted to hold me close with whispers of
“I’m so sorry”
I had seen him the night before
Had told him with laughter to “Love me”
How could he be gone?
How could life be made so different by a moment?
The next thing I knew I was standing
I asked, “Where is she?” to no one in particular
But they knew
In a second I was beside her, holding her
My breathing slowing in an unconscious effort to slow hers
I had lost a best friend
But she had lost a soulmate
I had to grow up because of that moment
Had to become strong enough to hold my friends up
While barely managing to hold my own heart together
I had to grow up because of our birthday
Neal and I came into this world on the same day, at the same hospital
But he left far too early
With no rhyme or reason
So now whenever my friends gather and I blow out an additional candle
My eyes swell with tears
I remember how like the candles life can be
One moment they burn so brightly
Bringing warmth and light
Another moment
A big moment
And they’re gone
So I grew and continue to grow
Because I live life like a candle
And I live life like Neal
Warm and bright and glowing
And weird and kind and curious
- I’ll always miss you