In This Mirror
Look into this mirror
Ask me what I see
The answer could be really simple,
I see me!
Only the outside; just what everybody else sees
But look deep, deep into these eyes
There’s more to me on the inside
Where this heart cries and where the pain lies
Just what I fill my head with to be free
To avoid the thoughts and opinions of others
Trying to live up to what they want me to be
Everyone wants to have me figured out
How to walk, how to talk, how to feel
All because that’s what they want for me
But none of it is real
Living in moments of the past
Wishing they would flow away like sand of an hour glass
So you can be you
Without judgment and what others think is true
In this mirror
As I look deeper and deeper
Into the soul and body
I find a lost creature
Who just wants acceptance
In a world full of negligence
Where hate is the only benefit
And love marks the end of it
Who is there left to be,
When you can’t be you?
Where do the birds fly,
When the sky isn’t blue?
If you met the real me,
How precious it would be!
Let go of all the acts and lies
Finally able to open my eyes,
And enjoy the light of the world
Finally happy because my feelings aren’t twirled
But I still stand here
In this mirror
Hidden pain in my eyes
Wondering if this kind of pain dies.