Love Without Wings...
Introducing: the storm that brews in her mind...
It's force and undying winds become too much to bear
Left her drained, dry, just an empty shell
A foggy reflection, an expressionless stare
This record plays itself on repeat.
Images, words, stories, and souls.
All intertwined in a melodic dance,
While tales of lies and heartache unfold
An artist's eye - she should have watched form afar
But the dance was too real to let fade out of view
And like moth to a flame, she walked toward the lightning
Transforming to try and learn these steps too
Sensing the rain drops and sounds from the earth
Clouds moving in, leaving little to sight
Both souls aware they had not grown their wings
But continued to dance, intrigued by the night
Desire had won and, drenched by the rain,
Empowered, she tried to dance her own beat.
Blinded by darkness, the rhythm of thunder,
A God-complex ,and skilled steps of the feet
But when dawn appeared and the clouds turned to air
A soft glow revealed the two lonely forms
She - a machine, robotic, unfamiliar
The other now searching for love that had gone.
She continued a dance, trying different attire
With courtesies, smiles, and a new kind of song.
But he only attempted at chords in his head
To which he thought the right moves could belong.
Lonely, she turns to face the horizon
Through the clouds remained just one single ray
Stuck with the pain of losing the song
Her own selfishness, pride, and lust drove away.
But the strenght of this light was reminding her still
There is a path where she would truly belong.
To feed, mold, and serenade her soul
To a rhythm she should have followed all along
So moving toward clarity, thunder at her back
She knows deep inside it's what she must do
Maybe, one day, he'll be moved by this light
And together they'll harmonize in a lifesong renewed.
Though it ended on a note she'd hope to forget,
The purpose of the song plays her heart's strings
And now, when she looks back, she'll solemnly know
Never to dance to Love Without Wings.