Little Blue Pill
Crying, crying, crying.
Looking straight at the barren white wall.
My roommate was nowhere to be found,
So I knew I could let it all out.
But why, why, why
Was I crying so damn much?
My friends were all smiles,
My grades were all As,
and my life was all fine.
My eyes were red, puffy, tired.
It felt like a dark pit of
had taken control of my body.
Exhaustion, exhaustion, exhaustion,
Was all I felt.
But yet, I carried on.
Economics homework? Done.
Political science reading? Done.
Spanish essay? Terminado.
A shadow of shame trailing behind me,
I found myself at the counseling center.
The psychiatrist looked at me and said,
"You'll need to take these little blue pills."
But wait, wait, wait.
I had heard that medication did bad things.
Took all you had left of your emotions,
And spit them out.
But were the side effects worth cutting this pit out of my life?
As my economics professor had said,
There is an opportunity cost to everything.
Maybe the nausea, drowsiness, and lack of emotion were just that.
Six months on,
I find myself staring at the orange container.
I take out a little blue pill,
And I think to myself,
The result was worth the struggle.
Tomorrow's my first day at my new internship,
I get paid on Friday,
and I keep finding myself smiling for no reason.
Why, why, why,
Am I smiling all the damn time?
Now my life has so much going for it,
Thanks to the little blue pill.