Journey To Loving Myself
"Look in the mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful' .
I'd repeat it. Look in the mirror and say " I love you".
I'd try , but nothing would come out . I'd go mute.
I spent most of my life trying to hide myself.
Trying to deny myself. Think apart of me was struggling to find myself.
And i still don't know who I am completely but i know its okay to say I love poetry and sipping coffee. I occasionally like to party and get wild.
I hate the summer time, I hate beaches .
Warm weather does not excite me.
I like to cuddle . I like the cold. I love the rain.
I want to fall inlove one day but this time for real. I want to be successful. But success to me does not mean lots of money it means a beautiful happy family.
I spent most of my life trying to be angry and cold hearted , but I'm still wholehearted . I still do believe in love even if I never find it.
I still do believe in happy endings even if I never get it . & By accepting all of this I've learned that I am flawless.
Not perfect . But flawless.
It means , I've made mistakes and learned to do the hardest thing; forgive myself, it means that i've felt ugly and worthless but found my self worth .
It means that I've wanted to die but still pushed myself to live.
It means that I've cried but still found the strength to smile again
. It means that I've been broken, and shattered and abandoned by those who should've stayed but I still can get up each morning and go on with my day.
It means , that Beyonce has nothing on me. Means I woke up like this , went back to sleep woke up again and was still happy.
I am . Flawed , Luminary, Alive, Worthy, ,Loveable, Enduring,Strong & Surviving . And for the first time ever , I can look in the mirror and say " I love you. You're beautiful"
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I love this poem so much
This poem represents something we all should do I love your message and it was very well written
I love this! Especially the last part lol "I woke up like this, went back to sleep and woke up again" Beautiful poem!
I believe your poem is an inspiration to any eyes that have the pleasure of reading your poetry. I can honestly say that poetry is very important in my life and I've learned that many feel similar. You are very talented and I can't wait to read more.
The line, "Not perfect. But flawless" is perfect. Hah.
This lifted my spirits. :) Great job.
I'm new to this website and this is the first poem I got the chance to read. I loved it, it's very meaningful and powerful and I can relate. It was beautiful.
I love your poem. As corny as it sounds it about had me in tears.