I AM ME (Note to self).
Why even try? Constantly feeling the need to get their approval and for what? Praise? Recognition? Why is it that you go out of your way for them, after everything? An apology? Short term gratification within yourself? You care too much, that's bad. You don't care enough, that's worse. There's no winning here. You will always go home empty handed and wondering 'Why?' Even with your worn out smile do you come to the realization. You Do You. Don't completely disregard the whole world, it's there whether you like it or not; learn to deal with it. Don't stay quiet, speak up. Don't be negative either; why add more fire to the flame? Stay humble; say 'hello'. If you don't wish to reply then don't. Nobody can force you to do anything you don't want to do; it's up to you. Step outside of your comfort zone; take the risk. You live your life the way you please and always know that there is always a way, no matter how difficult or far away it may seem; you'll find it. Enjoy the simple things life gives you; they won't be there forever and neither will you. Laugh, speak, cry, and yell with passion and with purpose and make it count. You are who you are, in your own image, on your own terms; that is something no concepts, persons, or voices will ever take away from you. You are of purpose in this world, as to many who have or will know you; you will do amazing things in life. Appreciate yourself and those whom you love and love you. Wake up every single day with a huge smile on your face and conquer the world. Take a deep breath, open your eyes, and jump with open arms. You'll make it. You know you will.