Found My Tribe
I’ve found my tribe
Finally, finally, finally
After years of girls with
Perfect hair, endless happiness
Look at them go, look at them
And I have nothing against them
But I don’t mix well with perfection
Trust me, I’ve tried before.
I’ve found my tribe
At last, we laugh loudly
We are stereotypical teens
That doesn’t matter when I’m with them.
My tribe of people who
Like my red hunting hat
My tribe of people who
Are just as insane as me.
My tribe of people who
Understand my flaming
Queerness, my endless
Rainbow stretching out into space.
My tribe of people who
Understand when I’m smart
And understand when I’m
Really, really, really dumb.
My tribe of people who
Get my social failures
My tribe of people who
Are so similar to me, yet so different.
And they understand when I isolate myself
That it’s nothing against them, they get it
That’s more than any teen can hope for
Being understood, being understood
I have found my tribe
And they make me happy
After spending so long
Hiding from the glitter squad.