Forever and Always
Forever and always is what you say
Forever and always is what you claim
Even after your hand went across my face
You still think I want to be with you?
What if I don't want to be with you forever?
What if I don't want to even be together?
Are you gonna hit me again?
While you tear my heart to shreds
Then, will you call me crying saying, "Baby, I want you back!"
Then, I'll say, "Baby, I want you dead."
Forever and always I'll be a mess
Forever and always a knife in your chest
You said forever until our deaths
Can we choose who goes first?
Satan wouldn't even want a man like you
I hope you rot in the dirt
Then the rest of my life won't count as yours
Then you can't control my thoughts anymore
While you lay in the ground
I hope you hear me dancing around you!