Fix It

If there is something in your life that you don’t like, you can fix it,

As long as you realize that you can never quit.

Even when things get hard, you can’t give in,

Because you know that you can’t go back to the way that things had been.

Even when you think you are doing everything right, there are going to be times when it doesn’t 

go according to plan,

But you have to keep going, because when you feel like you can’t go on anymore, you have to 

realize that you can.

When things aren’t going right, there is a reason that it played out the way that it did,

But no matter what setbacks occur, you can’t give up on the dream that you had since you were a 


If you throw in the towel, than you are proving everyone right,

And you know that if you do that, you are going to have trouble sleeping at night.

What you need to do is keep going so you can prove all of them wrong,

And show them that you had it in you all along.

You have the will to keep going because you know how to fight,

You had the discipline to push through because you always had the end in sight.

You knew what you wanted, and you would do anything to achieve that goal,

And for the first time in your life, you are starting to feel whole.

You finally feel like your have a purpose, and nothing is stopping you from achieving your 


And you finally realize that you do not need anyone else’s permission.

It doesn’t matter if they believe in you or not,

Because you have the kind of grit that could never be bought.

When they tell you to quit, they don’t realize who they are talking to,

And that is why you don’t want to be them, and they will never be you. 



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