Figment and The Writer
A young writer looked down
With a frown and a sigh than
Suddenly with a push and a pull
The words leaped up as the main character
Of at least how the writer imagined it?
“Why”, said the figure are you turning away
“Is imagination not flowing
Is the story out of play.”
“Well”, said the writer
“I’m stuck you see
I get stuck all the time
I can never write right
My stories never get completed
They are never right
Is it just that I am not meant to be?”
“That is not true”, said the figure
“We are all meant to be
And no story ends
And just as it’s said
Not every story gets finished by one author
Sometimes it takes another
And given that stories take time
Some have taken years others days
But none can be done in one sitting.
You can do this it just takes time
But if you need help I’m here.”