Fear, There’s plenty of it, it fills us all Paralyzes us, keeps cautious, wanting to avoid the fall Something we can’t outgrow or out run When it’s there we wish it were done Thought of the past plants it, thought of the future grows it Can’t brush it aside or hide in the closet Last year, the seed, a class once failed This year, the thought, once again being derailed Your failure fueled your fear Wanting them to be proud is something you hold dear But “fail again and you won’t walk” is all you hear You can quit now, live with shame But you’ve grown, you’ve learned, you’ve kindled that flame Yes, its not something that you can out grown or out run But it can motivate you, to take your shot, be your gun Fear stops you if you dwell on when you fail But being afraid only means more reward, if you prevail Fear isn’t something you should let be obstacle Instead, let it guide you to change, to do anything possible Fight, don’t let it be a crutch, let it be your tool, let it be you spear Use it, push yourself, grow, explore your frontier The past may make the road to success unclear But keep up the effort, try your best, your goals will appear One thing to always remember is there is no courage without fear