Dear Mom
Dear Mom
I know we’ve lived together for forever
You think you probably know most of my life
There’s so much I never told you
All the times I cried
Things I hide
Like when I slept with a boy even though I’m a lesbian
Or being 12 years old, getting in a fight with y’all
And wishing I could just die
Having the urge so many times to go in the kitchen and grab a knife
Take some pills or do a dive
Ever since I was little, I’ve been so depressed
Stressed about money and love and how I look in a dress
Hating my mirror image and the way the gears in my body turn
Taking all the blame for everything that goes wrong
And you didn’t know that
So when I took all those sleeping pills this summer you just cried
As I nearly died and you didn’t quite realize why
Though you knew
Six months before I had told you I was suicidal
I’d been asking for therapy since I was a freshman
Mom I’m a junior now
Now I down Effexor to keep the pain at bay
Though I fucked a boy to take this loneliness away
Mom, I’m scared
All I want to do is drink and get high
I’ve never done either, but life right now makes me want to cry<>I’m sleep deprived
Working, doing band, going to school
No offense, but technically right now I work more than you
I’m trying to take my time
But ever since I was tiny I’ve known
That one day I’ll be on my own
In college with bills, trying to buy a home
Cause you and Dad gambled, got into debt
Paying off loans still to this day
And sometimes I’m scared we won’t be able to pay
Mom, I know you’ve done your best to raise me right
I love you, and I appreciate your care and your insight
But right now, I’m so messed up
So many things are wrong
I don't know how to talk to you about it
Which is why I wrote you this poem.