Doesn't mean
Try to change my mind
Or try again.
It doesn't mean
Repharase the question,
Tell me come on.
It doesn't mean pressure me
By saying it's been a month
And you love me.
It doesn't mean
Telling me everyone else
Has already done it
And how left out you feel
We should do it
So we fit in.
News flash
But I've never fit in.
I know I've been born
To stand out.
Don't you dare
Say I gave you the consent
I said no such thing.
Uttered the word
Without that word
No thing you did
Was through consent.
Doesn't mean
Me pushing your hands away
Or squirming away
Even dare I say
Telling you I'm not ready.
But baby, I am.
So should you.
We will be together forever.
You mustn't understand
How much
Your hands
Can damage a females body
Her mind
And her soul
Forever she will be scarred
And every male that tries to touch her
She will shy away.
Because of
You did this to me
You did it again and again
And made me feel as if I had to
I never said I wanted to
And the worst thing
Half the time,
You never even
My body isn't your property
It isn't there for your pleasure
Or at your will.
You don't know how many times
I've carved into my skin
Trying to get your touch
How many times
I look into the mirror
And with sorrow filled eyes
Feel ashamed and embarrassed
And the worst of them all
I should've stopped it
I could've said more
It was my fault.
That's what society has told me
That when a girl doesn't physically say no,
Even if I did,
There is no proof
That she didn't want it to happen.
Well I am sorry
That my shaking hands
Trying to find yours
To push them away
Or my eyes
Squeezed shut
Waiting for it to end
Or my protests of not tonight
Or not being ready.
I'm sorry that my silence after
and my distant actions
Failed to tell you
That my body
Isn't meant to be there
At your convenience
And that I was asking for it.
I will never forget what you did to me
But you have already forgotten
What you did to me.
Because according to you,
I gave you full consent ot use my body
For your filthy pleasure.
I don't cuss
But my body
Is my own damn property
And no fucking piece of writing tells you
That you have any right
To put your hands
Or lips
Or dick
On it.
It's my body
It's my right
And it's my wish
That I wait until marriage
To have sex.
Not for God
Or my parents
For myself.
I don't cuss
Yet these words I say
Won't ever be strong enough
To convey
The true way you made me feel
I don't cuss
But I want every women to know
All the bullshit you ever said
To me
And them
About how great it was
And how far I let you go.
Because if truth be told
If I had my choice
You wouldn't have
Ever gotten
That hand
To my chest,
Nor under my pants.
Therefore you better
Keep that little fantasy
Inside your head
Because not once
Did I give you consent
Because I never said yes.
Don't you fucking tell me
to quit being such a girl
Because I'm sure you can tell
I am nothing like you.
I have no dick
Nor am I one.
Now I don't cuss but
No does not mean
I'm down to fuck.