Confessions of a resident of Asteroid 325
you are
the thornless rose that grew amongst the baobab of my ribs
roots that wrapped around my lungs
leaving me breathless and blue
i am content
day by day you inch towards my heart
threatening my home;
i belong deeply to myself.
but you demolished the walls and flattened the fences
you left me defenseless
I am content
you didnt mean for this to happen
how the wind had carried you to be planted upon on my sternum
why that was just pure
or was it fate?
I dont care, I am content.
I used to think daisies were my favorite
quaint innocent and simple to understand
a yolky center feathered with petals
The desire to have them,
fades as soon as i have plucked it from the ground
and i do so, so often on my hikes
feeling how fragile it lays in my palm, i felt nothing
a temporary source of beautiful until i find another with a yellower yolk
a whiter white
a greener green
until the first time i saw the layered red on my chest, daisies were my favorite
It was different holding the corpse of a beautiful flower and having one rooted in you
just like how amputated limps dont work as well as the untouched
I didnt even know what i was missing until you blossomed
i had no barriers left; you were inside of me
roots breaking through undisturbed soil and graveyards of the past and broken dreams
just like the extension of an upper extremity of a pubescent boy who felt stiff in the pelvic
you knew my secrets and didnt judge me
you still wanted me
so here i am
the source of your nutrients
nurturing you every ounce of the daily 5 i could offer you
and a beacon to guide you home when you've wander too far into troubled waters
and in return
you shed petals of beauty and happiness
tranquility and peace
appease and ease
onto my fragile form
What is this feeling?
I don't dare to find out
but i am content