Because I love you
I heard it every day
After each beating
After each round of screaming
I cowered
Because he loved me
He loved me so much it was an honor to be his
To be worth his time
Nobody else would love me, right?
He had never heard of it
Beating me
Berating me
Forcing obedience to his fantasies
Because he loved me
It was my fault, I should have said something
I should have told him he was abusing me
But rather I begged him to stay
To be with me, when nobody else would
Because I didn’t deserve anything
But an I love you
Actions speak louder than words
That’s why he threatened a gun to my head
That’s why I left after so long
That’s why I carry a piece of paper everywhere I go
200 feet away from me please
But it’s because I love you darling
That I must stay way