Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
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My life is a blur New adventures everywhere How will I slow down
4 days 20 hours ago
standing on the cliff of my own demise i consider starting over if i get another pass
4 days 20 hours ago
Stop crying! You'll only make the pain worse Or perhaps it'll make it better Perhaps the water could wash you,
4 days 20 hours ago
Etching my name immortal the words when left my pen Take on a new perspective
4 days 21 hours ago
Her dress flows  Like the dance on The pasture She is led to like a sheep   The Good Shepherd
4 days 21 hours ago
I'de like to believe I am many. My thoughts are my own blend of colors bleeding into the skin I call home and taint it in hues of gold. I
4 days 23 hours ago
I'de like to believe I am many. My thoughts are my own blend of colors bleeding into the skin I call home and taint it in hues of gold. I
4 days 23 hours ago
Match my ire dear liar Preach of a demise so dire Grieve my soul's innate desire Speak of kindness, light the fire
5 days 53 min ago
A neighbor of mine in the village Likes to tell how one spring
5 days 2 hours ago
To truly know what loneliness is you must be stripped bare down to where no one knows where you are.
5 days 7 hours ago
