Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Should I shout at the moon? Graze my hand through the grass and hold me under the water 
18 hours 37 min ago
I sit,  Peace  I let my mind travel  Soak my hands in heated sand 
18 hours 39 min ago
But nobody looks at that scorned girl  With her sharp features and soft eyes hardened to stone 
18 hours 41 min ago
And I grieve for my mother because from her womb came a daughter that was just like her father
18 hours 42 min ago
Do you understand that I am not sacred nor a prize A broken gift 
19 hours 14 min ago
Clouds roll in  As darkness falls electricity dances over my skin
21 hours 19 min ago
When roses bloom  And birds begin to sing,  When the sun begins to rise
21 hours 26 min ago
She’s a gorgeous girl Do you know her?  Happen to know her being?
22 hours 45 min ago
And all comes to me may I be lucky to be graced by God My wishes whispered into the ears of man 
22 hours 55 min ago
I live long and hard, My life evermost changing,
23 hours 30 min ago
