Browse Poems
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...
The sirens scream, the night turns cold,A story of sacrifice, a tale untold.
2 weeks 5 days ago
You left
Who know how long you will be gone
So far away from me
All alone...
I get it it's for us
2 weeks 5 days ago
You got the job excited
Our marriage is being fixed
Little by little
Your leaving
2 weeks 5 days ago
You surprised me
You finally communicated
You found a better job
Your waiting for the interview
2 weeks 5 days ago
Your ready to make progress
Your ready to make an effort
Your ready to step up
Your ready to help
2 weeks 5 days ago
I blew up
I need change
I packed your bags
I set them down
I need change
Show me you'll change
2 weeks 5 days ago
You think you have more time than you have when you really have none at all
2 weeks 6 days ago